Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mulligatawney - Short Version

Uber quick Mulligatawney.

Use veggies of your choice, use regular Mulligatawney recipe for a guide.
Clear out the pantry:
Potatoes, onion, canned tomatoes, roasted red/yellow peppers, pistachios, cashews, etc

Clear out the freezer:
Green Beans, corn, peas, etc.

Clear out the veggie drawer:
Carrots, celery, parsnips, eggplant

Add chicken broth, veggie broth or water, and place into a pot or pressure cooker.

1-3 TBSP Butter
1-3 TBSP Tikka Masala Paste
Chopped parsley if you have it.
Juice of a lemon if you have it.

Simmer or cook under pressure.

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