Sunday, July 3, 2022

"Bittman Bread" Whole Wheat Sourdough Recipe Summary

This is a summary from the Bittman Bread book. I found it very difficult to follow in the book itself, so put this together as a handy cheat sheet. The book still has some great suggestions, detailed instructions, and helpful pictures so I highly recommend it.

1.       Jump Starter: 8 to 12 hours

100 g whole-wheat starter

100 g water

100 g whole-wheat flour

Leave for 8 to 12 hours.

Feed starter.

2. Dough.

200 g whole-wheat flour

110 g water

Cover and sit for one hour.


3. 3.  Season/salt.

Sprinkle with 7 g salt.

Using wet hands, incorporate the salt into the bread. This will take multiple sessions with wet hands each time.

            I think this is too wet. And I think I might cheat and sprinkle on some yeast here, too!                              Alternative is to up my starter game and get it going a few days before attempting this!

Rest 15 to 30 minutes.


4. 4.  Fold.

Fold every 30 minutes, four times. Add water as tolerated.

Wetting hands as water.

Pictures of the book show that when the dough appears to be sweating or misty, it has reached its limit.


5. 5.    Bake.

                Place pizza steel on bottom rack.

Line pot with parchment paper.

Place dough into the pot and rest for 15 to 30 minutes.

Dust the dough if desired and make a slash.

Move the pot to the oven, one rack up from the steel.

Start oven at 485°, and set the timer for 30 minutes.

At 30 minutes, remove the lid.

Set the timer for 10 minutes and check the bread every 5 to 10 minutes thereafter.

When dark, remove the dough and reduce oven to 400.

Place the dough back into the oven either on the steel or on the rack.

Bread is done at 205 to 210°.

Move to cooling rack.

 Final bread should be about 650 grams.

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