Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quick Crab Cakes

1 pound canned crab meat
2 slices fresh bread* processed into crumbs
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp Old Bay Seasoning
Black pepper to taste
Crushed garlic (optional)

Thoroughly combine all ingredients in a bowl.

Shape into patties and pan grill on lightly oiled skillet until nicely browned on both sides and firmed up to touch.

*I use low carb bread at 2 net carbs per slice making the whole batch only 4 grams carbs!

Also found this recipe from Fog City Diner for crab cakes
Crab meat
Red onion

Blue Cheese Dressing

1/2 cup Helmann's mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup buttermilk
3 - 5 oz blue cheese, crumbled or chopped
2 tsp (or more) vinegar*
2 tblsp (at least) hot sauce**

Mix everything together in a bowl, add extra vinegar or hot sauce if too thick. Chill for an hour or so and serve.

**The hot sauce is my replication of the dressing at Mad Mex's.

My Blender Version of Babish version of "Tom Cruise Coconut Cake"

  I took the Babish version of "Tom Cruise Coconut Cake"  recipe and made a few enhancements, based on some other recipes, includi...